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DeBabelizer 1.6.5 Demo and DeBabelizer Lite 1.1.3LE
Category Image File Format Converter and Authoring Application
Type Demo
Platforms Mac68k, PowerMac
VRML Support N/A
Folder dbdemo DeBabelizer Demo
dblite DeBabelizer Lite
The DeBabelizer Demo enables you to test all the features of DeBabelizer, including Filters, Scripting, Palette Manipulation, etc. The demo's save, export, print, cut, and copy features are disabled.

The DeBabelizer Lite LE application is a limited version of DeBabelizer Lite. This version reads and writes 4 different formats, letting you easily preview your graphics, have a multi-image slide show, and translate to and from Mac/PC TIFF, GIF, PICT, and BMP.

Information contents.htm

Detailed product information is available in PDF format. To view the PDF format product information, you must have a PDF file viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader for Macintosh and Windows platforms are included on this CD-ROM. Please see the product listings.

Installation Mac68k, PowerMac The file dbdemo/dbdemo.sit is a StuffIt archive containing the files assocated with the DeBabelizer Demo. Using StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, or an equivalent un-archiver, extract the archived files on to your hard disk. Next, double-clilck the file DeBabelizer 1.6.5 DEMO to start the demo.

The file dblite/dblite.sit is a StuffIt archive containing the files assocated with the DeBabelizer Lite. Using StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, or an equivalent un-archiver, extract the archived files on to your hard disk. Next, double-click the file DeBabelizer Lite LE to start the demo.

Comments Equilibrium DeBabelizer is primarily an image file format converter capable of translating between over 55 different image file formats, and their variants. Additional features enable automatic conversion for lists of files, and manipulation of images during the conversion process. DeBabelizer's image manipulation features make it useful as an image authoring application as well as an image file format converter.

A DeBabelizer Evangelizer CD-ROM is available from Equilibrium that includes these demos, product information, and extensive tutorials and movies illustrating the features of DeBabelizer.

Product description copyright (c) 1997, Ames / Nadeau / Moreland.
Product material copyright (c) 1996, Equilibrium. All rights reserved.
DeBabelizer is a registered trademark of Equilibrium. SuperPalette, ProScripts and Equilibrium are trademarks of Equilibrium.